Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Unit 1: What is Art?

It can be said that art is simple human expression. Also, because art is something created from practically nothing, it can become everything for its creators. When humans create something while feeling any possible emotion it can be called art. Consequently, because humans are emotional beings (they are always feeling something), it can be said that almost everything humans do is art. When making sounds, speculating words, writing thoughts, acting, painting and capturing even a single particle of dust, humans create art. It is not the fact of making sounds or acting what represents art, but the meaning of these actions. That is why I think that not only actors, musicians or painters are artists but ordinary people doing ordinary things, such as a mother cooking for their children or a passionate business person closing a deal. Because art is not the painting but what the painter felt while doing it, a mother’s meal is not just food, but love and dedication for her children. Therefore any kind of creation by humans can be considered art and consequently we all live in a world full of art.

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