Friday, June 19, 2015

Unit 4: The Content.

We have talked about the importance of many of the components of a painting or of a work or art but almost never of its content in specific. From my point of view, the content of a work of art is more important than its technique and style. The content is what makes people react to a work of art. In a movie, is the drama or the comic content what makes people enjoy or dislike it.  In other words, the content is what makes the audience react to a piece of art. When painting, playing or acting, your work as an artist is to firmly communicate your emotions, so anyone around your work can feel them to. That is emotional content. Clear examples of emotional content are the paintings made by the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. She transmitted her suffering to anyone that looked even for a second at one of her paintings. I believe that independently of admiring a painter’s technique, what really matters is his or her capability of making the audience feel something transmitted from his or her work. What makes possible a connection between the artist, the audience and the work, is the content. If a piece of art does not have any kind of content then the person that created it is not an artist at all.

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